WestJet Saves the Day for New Dad

WestJet saves the day for an Edmonton man who was caught in quite the predicament. Jordan Pryma discovered his father had a massive heart attack and while his wife was in labour – all while he was away on business in Nevada.

West Jetcame through for this new dad and saved the day. Pryma took to social media to thank the airline.

West Jet Pays for New Dad’s Flight

“After arriving to the Vegas airport I approached theWest Jetdesk with tears in my eyes and hope in my heart…when I passed them my passport I was told my ticket had been taken care of prior with the customer service lady I was speaking to earlier…I WAS BLOWN AWAY!!!” explains James.

“Even with the calls being dropped and her only having my name she booked my ticket andWest Jetpaid for EVERYTHING. Without the kindness and amazing customer service fromWest JetI would have had a nervous breakdown…needless to say my daughter was born at 11:20 am while I was waiting to board but I got to Edmonton 7 hours prior to the original time set…THANK YOU SO MUCH.”

West Jet Receives Praise on Social Media

Since Pryma posted his letter toWest Jeton Facebook, it has received over 14,000 likes and hundreds of positive comments. “I’m very delighted to hear thatWest Jetwas so compassionate in your situation. Way to go, WestJet!” writes one user.

We love hearing stories of compassion and random acts of kindness. Read the entire story from the Huffington Post.

posted February 25, 2016

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